Monday, December 30, 2019

A Study Of Gender Relations Essay - 2350 Words

The study of gender relations throughout the history of the ancient Near East is a complex subject of interest. Its underlying significance is noticeably connected with the formation and development of social structures that inevitably conflicted with each other. Consequently gender establishments deployed numerous apparatuses of social confinement and control. These power structures became formalized by the introduction of legislation and the execution of social norms through formal legal systems. The study of gender relations as opposed to the historical progression of law systems and cultural norms in the ancient world of the ancient Near East is primarily visible in the ancient Near Eastern cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Hatti. The cultures of Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt were in a constant state of evolution. The Near East produced many of the world’s earliest civilizations and through military campaigns and trade its developments from governmental precedents to social structures were spread to other areas. It was therefore the setting for the first wheel and the first government as well as other â€Å"innumerable firsts.† Egypt as well as Mesopotamia was swift to implement structures of law and governmental precedents as cities and societal structures arose. As early as the fourth millennium BCE, civilization was already originating in the Near East. It was not however until the Neolithic Period or Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia, where laborShow MoreRelatedGender Relations Between Rural Areas And The West Of Iran1580 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 2015 Gender Relations in Rural Areas Summary of the Article   This paper gives a detailed analysis of a peer-reviewed sociology paper to discuss the theme in the paper, giving a summary of the article with research methods and research findings plus relevance of the paper ‘Geographical Perspective on Gender Relations in Rural Areas; a Comparative Study in North and West  of Iran’. The article ‘Geographical Perspective on Gender Relations in Rural Areas; a Comparative Study in North and WestRead MoreAbnormal Factors Of Foreign Relations856 Words   |  4 PagesAbnormal Factors in Foreign Relations. Scholars usually mention about government or economics insteads of gender and race in their studies about foreign relations. Gender and race are stated as atypical factors in this field. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Best Practices in Estimating the Cost of Capital An Update

BROTHERSON ET AL. – â€Å"BEST PRACTICES† IN ESTIMATING THE COST OF CAPITAL: AN UPDATE 15 â€Å"Best Practices† in Estimating the Cost of Capital: An Update W. Todd Brotherson, Kenneth M. Eades, Robert S. Harris, and Robert C. Higgins â€Å"Cost of capital is so critical to things we do, and CAPM has so many holes in it—and the books don’t tell you which numbers to use†¦ so at the end of the day, you wonder a bit if you’ve got a solid number. Am I fooling myself with this Theories on cost of capital have been around for decades. Unfortunately for practice, the academic discussions typically stop at a high level of generality, leaving important questions This paper updates our earlier work on the state of the art in cost of capital†¦show more content†¦For instance, Jacobs and Shivdasani (2012) provide useful insights based on the Association for Finance Professionals (AFP) cost of capital survey. While the survey had 309 respondents, AFP (2011, page 18) reports this was a response rate of about 7% based on its membership companies. In contrast, we report the result of personal telephone interviews with practitioners from a carefully chosen group of leading corporations and theory is silent or ambiguous and practitioners are left to their own devices. The following section gives a brief overview of the weighted-average cost of capital. The research approach and sample selection are discussed in Section II. Section III reports the general survey results. Key points of disparity are reviewed in Section IV. Section V discusses further survey results on risk adjustment to a baseline cost of capital, and Section VI highlights some institutional and market forces affecting cost of capital estimation. Section VII offers (1) where: K = component cost of capital. W = weight of each component as percent of total capital. t = marginal corporate tax rate. For simplicity, this formula includes only two sources of capital; it can be easily expanded to include other sources as well. Finance theory offersShow MoreRelatedExample Of Business Assistance Program Courses1450 Words   |  6 Pagesexpanded, and revised at the highest level. We understand the need for contractors to develop sound business and financial management practices and have developed numerous Contractor Colleges, and other seminars and training sessions to accommodate those needs. The Sessions created by LSC normally include a variety of instruction classes on various topics, e.g., Estimating, Marketing, Joint Ventures, Bonding and Financial Management. Through our consultative services, firms will learn supportive stepsRead MoreThe Importance Of Climate Leadership Plan1361 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Green Infrastructure capital planning process? †¢ This funding would be provided for projects that have already been approved in the Capital Plan, or already have planning underway. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Graffiti Art Free Essays

Brandon Salcido Art Graffiti is defined as the act of inscribing or drawing on walls for the purpose of communicating a message to the general public. The term comes from the Greek term â€Å"Graphein,† which means ‘to write. ‘ It has been around since men first started drawing pictures in caves. We will write a custom essay sample on Graffiti Art or any similar topic only for you Order Now The question as to whether any forms of graffiti can be considered art is controversial. Is it vandalism when it is placed on the side of a building or car and art when it is on a canvas on someone’s wall or in a gallery; what’s the difference? Graffiti can be considered art because it contains artistic elements. It communicates the artist’s expression to the viewer, and the traditional art community has already accepted it. Since the root of the word â€Å"graffiti† is â€Å"to write,† then it can be interpreted as a human need for communication. Motives for producing this art vary immensely from artist to artist. Graffiti artists who are drawn to the art form for individual expression are much more creative with their work. They turn to it because they believe that the hip-hop style is the closest representation of who they are as a person. This type of artist usually works to master intricate designs of graffiti that say more than just their street names, but offer very appealing aesthetics. Without a better understanding of why artists turn to graffiti, it is not surprising that the average person’s image of this type of artist is far from accurate. A majority of people tend to associate graffiti with vandalism. They think most of these artists are hoodlums or gang-bangers with nothing better to do with their time, when statistics now show that more than one-half of graffiti artists come from white middle- and upper-class homes in the suburban areas. Vandalism and graffiti derive from very different motives and environments. I believe there is a fine line between the two. How to cite Graffiti Art, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Weight Loss Essay Example For Students

Weight Loss Essay About one-third of Americans are extremely over-weight, which may be why crashdieting is beginning to plague America. Its estimated that Americans alonespend 80-100 billion dollars on weight loss tactics. People go on these diets toget quick results but are these results hurting them more than helping? Theanswer is Yes! The only way to safely and effectively lose weight is throughold-fashioned exercise and the right diet. You cannot successfully lose weightby simply cutting food from your diet or taking some pills, it is necessary towork for your results. Without depriving your body of necessary nutrientsthrough dieting, you can lose fat and get the body youve always dreamed of, orat least one youre more comfortable with. The quote The effects of thecurrent obsession with dieting can be devastating, said by Mr. Woodworth,a long time exercise and nutrition expert, summarizes the dangers of dieting. The many dangerous methods of losing weight: so called dieting orstarvation/fad diets, pills and drugs, over-exercising, surgery, and eatingdisorders, have taken many casualties. Many people go on diets, aword so commonly misused, to get quick results of weight loss. Perhaps the mostcommon is minor starvation and fad dieting. This method is when people becomeover concerned with calorie intake. Many deaths have been associated with lowcalorie diets. By trying to shed pounds simply by cutting all fat from the dietgreatly increases the risk of getting cancer, heart disease, and other healthproblems. That low-fat trap gets people hooked on reduced-fat snacksor possibly not eating at all. So now the body is being deprived of necessarynutrients not available in any pill or liquid form. Yes cutting fat andcholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes, but nutrient poordiets have an even larger risk of getting those diseases along with many others. Of course a large percent of dieters will lose weight but they will feeldepressed afterward and gain back even more than before they started the diet. The reason why is because they are losing healthy weight along withthe fat they were hoping to rid of. In an infomercial with Tony Little, heshowed a graph of what the body loses when someone goes on a diet. By cuttingback on foods, the body becomes deprived of very important nutrients. Then whenit seems you are losing weight, what you are actually losing is fat AND MUSCLE. Many times, more lean muscle than fat will be lost. And although they may lookslimmer because their size is smaller, they are actually weaker and moresusceptible to injuries due to losing healthy weight. Healthy weightis muscle and bone weight, the things that support your structure and enable youto perform rigorous activities. A lot of the time healthy weight ismisinterpreted, especially in females. Which leads to an amazing fact that 62%of women and 44% of men that are dieting arent even overweight! But they aremisled when they step on the bathroom scale and My God look what itsays! They are not realizing that muscle outweighs fat over 2:1. Therefor, manypeople may think they are fat even though they may be healthy. I myself am anexample of that. On a height and age chart it says my ideal weight for my heightis 155 pounds. I am 168, so does that mean that I am overweight? Notnecessarily. Charts and stuff are made for averages and trends because whendoing a body fat testing I had on ly 10.8% body fat which is below the averagefor people my age and size. So the bathroom scale scares many people intobelieving that they need to lose weight when it may not be necessary. On top ofoverweight people dieting we also have healthy people dieting, both of which areextremely dangerous. Thus, the fad diet/starvation method should be completelyavoided because simple dieting is just a stepping stone that maylead to much more serious things that become life changing or life threatening.. What started as a simple diet may have progressed into anotherdangerous way of losing weight through pills or drugs and eating disorders. Howwonderful it would be if we could all take a couple of pills a day and not worrywhat else we may eat all while obtaining that body we yearn for. Unfortunately,we dont have that pill and probably never will so avoid the dangerousimitations out there. What is not told about these miracle pills that make youhave the body of your dreams is that they cause fatigue, hyperphagia, insomnia,mood changes, irritability and if really abused psychosis. While claiming toboost your metabolism, reduce fat, and suppress your appetite they may becomeaddicting and your body may eventually depend upon them. Many of these pillscontain untested chemicals and slip by the FDA by claiming that they are foodsupplements not drugs. And while each year many deaths are due to these productsthey are still being used by seven percent of adolescent girls in the U.S. andthirty-f our percent have at least tried them. Furthering the risk ofcomplications in life and leading many times to death along with dieting. Peoplewith eating disorders are believed to be the result from the 70 millionAmericans who diet each year, lose the weight, regain the weight, and then dietagain. They, instead of going back to dieting once more, become anorexia nervosaor bulimia nervosa. Anorexia is when an individual is more than 15 percent underexpected weight, fears gaining weight, females have amenorrhea (males lose sexdrive) and abnormal eating habits. They simply restrict food because thepleasure in eating food is overwhelmed by guilt and anxiety. About 1 in every100 girls between 12-18 years of age are affected. The complications of anorexiaare dehydration, gastrointestinal bleeding, chest pain, low heart rate, abnormaltemperature, bone growth retardation or osteoporosis, infertility, dry skin andhair, constipation, epileptic seizures, the list still goes on. An awful lotjust to lose some weight dont you think? Many people who simply use the faddiet method get the urge to lose more weight and that is when they resort to thelife threatening disorder of anorexia. Approximately one-third of anorexicsbecome bulimia nervosas. These are people who binge eat then purge themselvesby vomiting. They become isolated and depressed and have a low self-esteem. Artificial Intelligence2 EssayBibliographyWSOC Health Team 9 (1998, Editors) Dangerous Dieting 1998 TheAssociated Press on the web Retrieved 12-10-99 from World Wide Web, Theresa (1996) Foods That Harm Foods That Heal The Readers DigestAssociation Limited, London Berg, Francis M. (1995) Health Risks of Weight LossHettinger, ND : Healthy Weight Journal Little, Tony (Producer) (1997, May 24)Healthy Living w/ Tony Little Infomercial on CBS Woodworth, M. (1998Sept) At Walled Lake Central High School